In the sitcom “Friends”, a group of young adults lived in nice apartments in New York City. There were no millionaires in the group of friends. In fact, there was a waitress, an out-of-work actor, an odd- job worker, and then a few legitimate professionals. Not only did these youngsters make ends meet, but they met daily at a coffee shop, and not the type of place that serves up 25 cent cups, either. Sure, it’s a sitcom, but the living situations weren’t supposed to be part of the comedy. Now, try telling that to Rondae Hollis-Jefferson.
Hollis-Jefferson is a professional basketball player drafted by the New York Nets. His rookie season salary: $1.33 million. What sort of entourage did he acquire to celebrate his new position and profession? Two roommates and he doesn’t feel his situation is very funny.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Hollis-Jefferson said the roommates aren’t part of a celebrity entourage; they are necessities of life to avoid blowing his salary on ridiculous rent rates in and around the city. He said, “You can live in a nice, three-bedroom condo with all that in Dallas for like two thousand bucks. Three-bedroom, three-bathroom in New York, you’re paying eight grand. It’s ridiculous.”
Hollis-Jefferson learned another thing they don’t often teach in college: you don’t get to keep your salary, there are taxes, dues, and other deductions that come out of your check. “When I saw the check, I saw half of the money was gone, and being in New York, more than half was gone. I was like, ‘Who do I call here? What’s going on?’”
The Wall Street Journal notes that Hollis-Jefferson is wise to be thinking about his finances. He doesn’t want to end up “like former All-Star Antoine Walker, who made over $100 million as an NBA player before declaring bankruptcy in 2010.”
Helping the young players along, the NBA hosted a four-day seminar where financial pitfalls were discussed, among other things. “They heard from speakers such as Nets coach Lionel Hollins and former journeyman point guard Chris Herren, the latter of whom battled a drug habit while playing in the NBA and overseas.”
Even with his million dollar salary, Hollis-Jefferson doesn’t see himself in that situation. “People know they can talk to me about anything,” he said. “But when it comes to money, I’m like, ‘I don’t have it.’ That’s my go-to line.”
He is thinking about moving to Brooklyn.